
Help about Email setup and Email access trough webmail or phone.

whyemailgoestospam Why is my email going to SPAM?

Why is my email going to SPAM?

First of all, you need to check if your website has an official email address (something dot your domain dot something: domain.tld). If it’s a WordPress site, check in Settings – General, and the field for the email should have your official email address. If it’s not there, enter it (you should also create it

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setupoutlook Setup Microsoft Outlook

Setup Microsoft Outlook

In this article, we will describe one of the most popular email clients in our region. Although we are not fans of Microsoft products due to significant issues, we decided to create this short tutorial. The setup process requires more steps than other email clients, but it is not complicated and far from impossible. The

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setupemailclient eM Client setup

eM Client setup

As one of the popular Email clients, eM Client is as easy to set up as other clients (except Outlook, which is full of bugs). So let’s begin. First of all, if you are here, it means you have downloaded and installed the client. At the beginning, after the installation, you will see the following

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abuse Abuse


Abuse hosting What does Abuse hosting mean? It means that your website hosted on our servers is violating some rules, such as sending spam, posting malicious code, or any illegal content or engaging in illegal activities. In case an official complaint is filed by the data center where we rent servers or directly on our

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setupmailbrid Setup Email MailBird

Setup Email MailBird

You can download MailBird at this link:MailBird Email Client (aff url) MailBird Email Client (without aff) After installation, a window like the one in the image below will appear. In the first field “Your name,” enter your name if it’s a personal email or the company name if it’s a company email. In the second

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mozillathunderbird Setup Email Mozilla Thunderbird

Setup Email Mozilla Thunderbird

You can download the Mozilla Thunderbird email client at this link: After installation, you need to open Account Settings, which can be found by clicking the three lines icon immediately below the ‘X’ where you close the program. Three lines > options > Account Settings When the window opens, click on Account Actions in

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emailserver Setup Email Client

Setup Email Client

Connecting an email client to an email server, checking, and sending email accounts. Connecting is quite simple, regardless of the email client in question; they all have the same setup! Our recommendation is to use the MailBird email client because it is simple and bug-free, unlike, for example, Outlook Express. Another choice is Mozilla Thunderbird.

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