Setup Microsoft Outlook

In this article, we will describe one of the most popular email clients in our region. Although we are not fans of Microsoft products due to significant issues, we decided to create this short tutorial.

The setup process requires more steps than other email clients, but it is not complicated and far from impossible.

The first step is the easiest one 🙂 click next.

outlook1 Setup Microsoft Outlook

In this step, choose to create an Email account and then click next.

outlook2 Setup Microsoft Outlook

Here, we do not choose what Outlook offers us but select the second option, as shown in the picture. The reason is that Microsoft incorrectly assumes a connection to the server, unlike other email clients.

outlook3 Setup Microsoft Outlook

In this step, choose POP3 and IMAP, meaning connection to our server and not theirs.

outlook4 Setup Microsoft Outlook

This step is where the entire connection to the server takes place.

In the first field, enter the name that will appear with the email address.
The second field is your email address.
The third setting is POP3.
The fourth and fifth fields are the incoming and outgoing email servers. It should be mail.yourdomain.tld like ours is; replace it with your domain. If you are unsure, ask support via the live chat option.
The username is the ENTIRE email address, not just the first part of the email address.
The password is the one you set when creating the email address in cPanel.

outlook5 1 Setup Microsoft Outlook

After filling in all this, go to the bottom right corner and click “More settings…” A new window will appear where we choose the third tab “Advanced” and enter as shown in the picture. Literally, as in the picture.

outlook6 Setup Microsoft Outlook

After that, click “Ok” and when the window closes, click next. A window will appear as in the picture below, where the program will perform testing that should look like this, successfully connecting to the outgoing and incoming servers. If not, check again if you filled everything in according to the instructions; if not, contact support.

outlook7 Setup Microsoft Outlook

Since we connected everything as we wanted, that’s it. The program is successfully connected, and your email address is ready for use.

outlook8 Setup Microsoft Outlook

Keep in mind that we are always online and available for any questions. We often help via TeamViewer to make it easier and speed up the email client setup.

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