WebSite Builder

floating icons social How to add floating icons

How to add floating icons

In order to add floating icons on our site, whether social networks or contact phone and viber, the procedure is explained in the rest of this article. In order to make modifications, knowledge of basic html/css technology is required. First of all, we enter our Site creator and there we do not have a direct

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SEO meta tags website builder SEO meta tags

SEO meta tags

SEO is very important and an integral part of every page, not only the site but also every single page. As it is important that each page is beautiful, transparent and has enough useful information, therefore each page must also have meta tags. In our Site builder for each individual page we have how it

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how to add contact form builder How to add contact form

How to add contact form

In order to set up or set it up successfully, we need to go to our website and add the contact form if we haven’t already. Adding a contact form After this we select the Contact tab where we can choose the appearance of our contact section. After selecting the contact form we want, it

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payments builder Set Payment Gateways

Set Payment Gateways

Like any store, you have the option of paying for products on the WebSite Builder. First of all, you need to create your store using the Site Builder tool. After you have created your store, you need to have a basket, which you usually put in the header itself, as in the picture below. As

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check and edit orders How to check orders

How to check orders

In order to check the orders on the website, go to our store, then to the pen of our store and then the option to check orders. After that, the order list will open. If you have only completed orders selected, then you can change pending orders or see all orders as in the picture

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new page builder cover Create new pages

Create new pages

Adding a new page in the site builder is pretty simple as are most things that are changed and added. We enter our site and then on the left side we will see our existing pages and the Edit button. Now we will be shown the current pages and we have a button to add

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