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howtoinstallssl How to activate/install SSL?

How to activate/install SSL?

Basic SSL is free for every domain on the hosting account. It is sufficient for 99% of websites. SSL is installed automatically on our hosting for every domain on every hosting account every morning at 6 am. It is also renewed if the previous one has expired. In that case, you always have an active […]

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abuse Abuse


Abuse hosting What does Abuse hosting mean? It means that your website hosted on our servers is violating some rules, such as sending spam, posting malicious code, or any illegal content or engaging in illegal activities. In case an official complaint is filed by the data center where we rent servers or directly on our

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transfertocpanel How to transfer a site from localhost to cPanel hosting

How to transfer a site from localhost to cPanel hosting

You’ve been working on a site on your local computer because it’s easier, but then you realized that everything needs to be transferred to hosting, and that’s where the problem arises. You thought it was just a simple copy-paste solution, but the problem is much bigger. Especially for beginners, this may seem like too much

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cpanelcronjob2 How To setup CronJob cPanel

How To setup CronJob cPanel

If you want to set up a CronJob, the solution is quite simple. cPanel – Cron Jobs Now we can add our cronjob with 2 steps. Choose the time you want the page-script to run and enter in the “command” field: php -q /home/username/public_html/cron.php then click on “add new cron job”. This means that the

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error500 Internal Server Error 500, how does it occur and what is the analysis?

Internal Server Error 500, how does it occur and what is the analysis?

This guide helps in finding errors even if the site is working but some parts of it are not. For example, image upload doesn’t work or theme upload, infinite page loading, or anything else. WordPress has enabled error display, and this guide is specifically for that option. An Internal Server Error can occur for several

Internal Server Error 500, how does it occur and what is the analysis? Read more »

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