
changephpversion Change PHP Version

Change PHP Version

Using the latest PHP version has many advantages. The most important of all are: speed and security. Each new PHP version uses significantly less code, and the existing code is optimized, making the site much faster without any changes, just by using a newer PHP version. This can be noticed the most when switching from

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bringoldoutlookbacktolife Bring old Outlook back to life

Bring old Outlook back to life

Although Outlook (older versions) is quite popular, it is generally forgotten and outdated. It simply isn’t used anymore, and there’s no reason to use it. Microsoft itself has moved on to more modern software. The most challenging combination that exists is Microsoft Office 2010 (and older) with an older operating system that is not Windows

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restorefullaccontorpartial Restore Full Account or partial

Restore Full Account or partial

Manual Backup and Restore Restore is limited to 4 times in 30 days. If you want to restore files and there are more than 3, you need to download your account backup by clicking on “generate download” and manually upload the files via File Manager, otherwise you will hit the limit. Automatic account restore First,

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