
What is cPanel What is cPanel

What is cPanel

As a beginner in the world of website management, you may have come across the term “cPanel” and wondered what it is and how it works. This short article will provide an easy-to-understand explanation of cPanel and how it can benefit you in managing your website. What is cPanel? cPanel is a widely-used web hosting […]

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whatisbackup What is a Backup?

What is a Backup?

In today’s digital world, data is one of our most valuable assets. From personal photos and documents to critical business information, we store a vast amount of data on our devices and online services. However, data loss can occur due to various reasons such as hardware failures, software issues, or accidental deletion. This is where

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whatismysql What is MySQL?

What is MySQL?

Databases are the backbone of many applications and websites, as they store and manage vast amounts of data in an organized and efficient manner. One of the most popular database management systems is MySQL, which is widely used in various applications, ranging from small personal projects to large-scale enterprise solutions. In this short article, we

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whatisemail What is an Email Address?

What is an Email Address?

An email address is a unique identifier that allows you to send and receive electronic messages over the internet. It acts as a virtual mailbox, enabling others to send messages directly to you and allowing you to send messages to others. Anatomy of an Email Address: An email address consists of two main parts, separated

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whatisdnspropagation What is DNS Propagation?

What is DNS Propagation?

What is DNS? DNS, or Domain Name System, is the internet’s “phone book.” It translates human-friendly domain names (like into IP addresses (like that computers can understand. When you type a website address into your browser, the DNS system helps your computer find the server where the website is hosted. This process is

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setupoutlook Setup Microsoft Outlook

Setup Microsoft Outlook

In this article, we will describe one of the most popular email clients in our region. Although we are not fans of Microsoft products due to significant issues, we decided to create this short tutorial. The setup process requires more steps than other email clients, but it is not complicated and far from impossible. The

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setupemailclient eM Client setup

eM Client setup

As one of the popular Email clients, eM Client is as easy to set up as other clients (except Outlook, which is full of bugs). So let’s begin. First of all, if you are here, it means you have downloaded and installed the client. At the beginning, after the installation, you will see the following

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abuse Abuse


Abuse hosting What does Abuse hosting mean? It means that your website hosted on our servers is violating some rules, such as sending spam, posting malicious code, or any illegal content or engaging in illegal activities. In case an official complaint is filed by the data center where we rent servers or directly on our

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premiumdomains Premium Domains

Premium Domains

What Are Premium Domains? Premium domains are domain names that are considered more valuable than regular domain names. They usually contain popular keywords, are short, easy to remember, and have a high search volume. Due to their desirable attributes, premium domains often come with a higher registration price than standard domains. Pros of Registering Premium

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