How to delete WordPress

There is two way to remove WP from hosting account. One is by tools provided by hosting provider second one is manual by deleting files and database.

Automatic deletion

First step is to go to cPanel then go to WP Toolkit

wp tool kit How to delete WordPress

After we open we will find our installations. If there is none then we can scan by click on Scan button then it wall scan your account and find any wp installation and when it finds it will add to list.

Next to domain we want to delete wp like in the screenshot below

tool kit remove wp How to delete WordPress

When we click on Remove we will get popup where we need to confirm that we want to delete database and user and finish our deletion process.

toolkit remove db How to delete WordPress

That is all 🙂

Remove WordPress manually

With this step we need to do 2 things. One is to delete files and second one is to delete database.

First thing we go to File Manager then to public_html (or root folder of your domain if is not public_html). Then select all files and click on Delete.

selectfiles file manager How to delete WordPress

After we click on delete we also need to confirm in this screenshot is checked option where we want to delete all files/folder permanently and free our storage.

deletefiles file manager How to delete WordPress

Next step is to delete our database to also free storage and free database slot if we have limited number of it.

Go to cPanel > MySQL Databases then click on Delete link on our database like in screenshot:

cPanel MySQL® Databases How to delete WordPress

With this one we deleted our wordpress.

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