Clean your website from malware in couple of clicks

If your website has been infected with malware or hacked, it’s crucial to restore it to a clean state as soon as possible. JetBackup 5, a popular backup solution for cPanel, can help you with this task. In this article, we will guide you through the process of restoring your infected website using JetBackup 5 on cPanel.

Restoring full account it will restore whole account and everything on it. That includes emails, database, and all websites that you have on that account.

Step 1: Access cPanel and JetBackup 5

  1. Log in to your cPanel account using your credentials.
  2. In the cPanel dashboard, scroll down to the “Files” section, and click on the “JetBackup” or “JetBackup 5” icon.

Step 2: Select a Full Account Backup to Restore

  1. In the JetBackup 5 interface, click on “Full Account Backups.”
  2. You will see a list of available full account backups for your website. Choose the backup you want to restore and click on the “Restore” button next to it.

Step 3: Review Backup Details

  1. JetBackup 5 will display the details of the selected full account backup, including the backup date, account information, and included files and databases.
  2. Review the backup details to ensure you have selected the correct backup.
  3. Click on the “Next” button to proceed.

Step 4: Confirm and Restore

  1. JetBackup 5 will display a summary of the full account backup you have selected for restoration. Review the summary to ensure you’ve selected the correct backup.
  2. Click on the “Restore” button to start the restoration process.
  3. JetBackup 5 will show the progress of the restoration. It may take some time, depending on the size of your account and the number of files and databases involved.

Step 5: Verify Your Account

Once the restoration process is complete, you should receive a confirmation message. Visit your website and check your email accounts, databases, and other restored elements to ensure everything has been successfully restored.

After completing this step, you should update everything on your website, and review all addons/plugins and themes to check for available updates. If there are none, consider replacing them with alternatives that are still actively maintained and receive regular updates.

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